so much is unknown. this can be a place of deep uncertainty leading to destabilization and collective disassociation, or a source of leaning into mystery, resource of the wild holy, and ritualized change as generative and powerful.

ritual is a way into personal and collective right-sized power raising. ritual is a way into ancestor communication, lineage honoring and repair. ritual is a way into community care and healing. ritual is a way in for deep grief, reckoning with loss and sparking celebration. ritual is a old/new cultural change tool for despelling the hex of supremacy culture and colonization.

i do one on one and group work to co-create containers to hold the arc of your personal and collective transformation.

what are you longing to change? what can you imagine feeling like on the other side? if you flew over your life what would you notice needing ceremony, healing, shape-shifting?

some rituals i have co-created:

finding medicine amongst the storm
truth telling for survivors
elemental support for change-makers and activists
grief +rage + resilience in a year of loss