chris siegriest : they/them


i come to this work through dreaming a future into possibility filled with freedom for all beings. freedom to heal, transform, and be in full expression and belonging. i come to co-create relationships and communities centered in vulnerability, right-sized power and liberatory vision and action. i come to stare empire in the face, and not collapse. i come for the death rites. i come to grieve. i come for the messiness. i come to know my own complicitness. i come to repair. i come with humility, bravery and fierce rage. i come with love. i come to become deeper with the ancestors who have harmed and been harmed and become a good ancestor myself.
i come to heal myself, my lineages, with you and for the collective.

i am a queer and trans non-binary witch from irish, welsh, isle of mann, briton and german descent. i have loved and tended and listened to plants my whole life with a deeper dive into herbalism starting seven years ago through the gaia school of healing, then with three years of clinical training at the vermont center for integrative herbalism. i call myself a community and clinical herbalist. i am a somatic experiencing advanced student through somatic experiencing international, working toward my SEP. i am a ritualist and teacher of liberation and earth based spirituality, with roots in the reclaiming tradition. i am a community organizer and street medic. i am a street liaison with houseless folks and NADA acudetox practitioner at another way peer support community center. i am a co-creator and member of the herbal solidarity project:
rose core collective.

i am a wild one, edge tender, bridge, defender of what i love, care-worker, priestx of possibility and complexity, joy fire dedicated to re-enchanting myself and this world.

i believe in human bodies capacity to heal and affirm the agency and autonomy of each human to lead that healing. i believe that our personal and collective healing is absolutely intertwined. i believe that it is necessary to heal how and where supremacy culture lands in bodies in order to do the long haul work of despelling supremacy culture systemically.

i have deep lineages of learning and hold these lineages as complicated. they all exist within the framework of white supremacy and colonialism and thus contain those wounds. they also exist within cultures of bravery, deep wisdom and passionate curiosity. i name rain crowe, sage maurer, larken bunce, betzy bancroft, kristen henningsen, ember peters, laura cooley, joshua sylvae, danielle murphy, terri delaney, marie michael, diane long, sage hayes, jennifer-lee koble, carlin quinn, lael keene and staci haines as human teachers who have shaped me.

further, i name the plants, land and earth, bodies of water, forest, stars and countless other beyond human beings as some of my beloved mentors.