as a life-long learner, i love to spread curiosity and share the resource of my earned wisdom. join me for classes on herbs, somatics, witchery and community resilience.

  • Street Medicine & Tactical Magic: Tools for Weaving Webs of Resilience

    A tactical magic course for everyday care and everyday resistance. How can we center care and protection of those most vulnerable in our movement and community building work? Come learn strategic magic for grounding, warding, somatic settling, energetic cleansing and practical magic after-care that will aid each of us and our accomplices in political actions and other high-stress situations. Call in and work with our plant allies as deep resource for these magical and practical tools. Actively practice skills for building collective care webs through protecting what we love and hold sacred.

  • Make it Up!

    I can and love to teach a range of things from herbal basics of growing and making your own medicine to somatic practices for centering, grounding and stabilization. We could do a deep dive into one particular plant and go on a 3 hour rose journey, or make herbal and medicinal brew together and talk about fermentation as resistance. I love to geek out about the burning times in Eurolineages, discovering places of fracture and of resilience. Do you want to learn how to create a ritual arc or design your own dream temple for winter solstice reflection and resourcing for the year?

    Tell me where your interests lay in somatic, herbal and/or witchy realms and I can fine tune a class for you and your crew.

  • Moving Through the Storm: Herbal and Relational Geekouts for Emotional Freakouts

    An herb centered class toward nervous system support within the rough terrain of life in these times. How can we better care for ourselves and each other through everyday life and crisis? Learn techniques for body based regulation paired with herbs for emotional first aid and trauma. We’ll talk about signs of moving into distress and then skills for stabilization and after care for yourself and your community.